It's an 8 CPU machine with 8 GB of RAM running Windows Server 2003 64 bits. I was hopping to get it running Linux, but that seem not to be possible.
If you recall, our transformation engine it CPU bound and each transformation engine runs on a single CPU, therefor a direct comparison is easy to perform.
The server is powerful enough to hold the transformation engine and the database itself. Therefor, we made several tests combining the servers.
One test case used the AS/400 as the database server and the Intel machine as the transformation engine. On another test case, both the database and the transformation engine were on the Intel machine.
For easiness, the database on the Intel machine is a, real, DB2.
Amazingly, or not, the Intel CPU was a lot faster than the AS/400 CPU. One single Intel CPU runs our allows us to migrate faster than any combination we've tried using the AS/400.
Here's a full graphic showing the results on both systems. It's easy to see that the Intel machine scales very well when we use several processes in parallel.