Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 386 - Official Plan Released

The new official data migration dates have been released.

It seems we're going to perform a simulation in the weekend before we all go to holidays, which will be the entire month of August. I don't really believe that this will happen since there is a lot of work to be done by the project sponsor teams, specially when it comes to quality. There was no more tests performed since the testing team has come form Easter holidays and it seems that there is no implementation plan regarding the tests we've identified some weeks ago.
We are still 3 months away, so it can actually be done if the sponsor acts fast.

When we get back from the holidays, in the first week of September, we will only be performing simulations until the real data migration happens in the beginning of October.
There are rumors from some sponsor people that the this new data migration date will not happen and that the project will be postponed again to January. These people are the same that have already predicted the other postpones and their justifications for it were always right. I'm afraid they are right again since they are pointing out the quality of the data migration and the quality of new system as major show stoppers. As I've stated before, a lot of testing is still required.

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