Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 372 - Project Due Date Postponed Again

The project due date has been postponed four more months. It looks likes the data migration will now happen in the 4th of October.
This happened mainly because the target system will not be fully developed up to June.

It looks management wants to keep the data migration plan to June and give us some months of force holidays. I do hope management won't go with this plan because it is impractical.
It is wrong to believe that the transformation rules can be frozen for 3 months when there will be massive development on the target system. And the project sponsor teams already know it by experience, whenever it was required to change something on the target system there was always a considerable amount of mapping rules that had to be redefined, implemented and tested. Plus, it is also wrong to believe that whatever tests the testing team will perform over this 3 months will not require any mapping changes.

This postpone is a great opportunity to define and implement the test plan. Some of the people from the testing team, which I've been talking to, have seen the number of preliminary tests we've identified and agree that it would be unfeasible to define and implement a testing plan if the data migration was to be performed in June.

This is actually the first time I'm on a data migration project were, once set, the official D-Day had been postponed. And in this project, it has already happened twice!
Like in the first postpone, and as far as I know, the data migration itself is one of the few projects that was on schedule by the previous plan.

As in the previous postpone, this probably means that we will have extra resources for most of the time, considering the amount of work of the data migration team in this stage.
But it is still not clear what management will do regarding all the changes that this postpone brings.

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