Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 464 - Small Test Planed

Things are not working out as expected. The first data loaded into GIS was rejected due to inconsistencies between the mapping rules and the GIS products configuration.
This is a recurring problem, every time a clean data load is performed GIS is not correctly configured to take it and errors that should not exist arise.

Account cannot be tested as expected because we need to prepare a small set of data to load into GIS this weekend. This has became the main focus for this week.

On the top of that, the automatic test strategy is still on paper. It is on paper for some weeks now and it seems it will not go anywhere anytime soon. The testing team is also tired of performing the same ad hoc tests again and again, they feel like little hamsters running on the wheel, they work hard but don't really go anywhere.

The first simulation is in less than 4 week and I'm already tired to tell management that account, accidents and tests are running late. If no action is performed, this will compromise the first simulation and, probably, the entire data migration project plan.

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