Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 470 - New Data Set for Weekend Tests

During the weekly team meeting I got a request from management to prepare a very specific data set to test during this weekend.
It is not hard do get it, but the quantity of work involved will fulfill us for a couple of days.

During the meeting I've told management that by now the implementation of the automatic tests should have been finished. But in fact they have not even started. Plus, management has decided to cut the number of tests to implement and perform. I've officially stated that, in my professional opinion, the original number of tests should be expanded and not cut, since there was still many business things left out untested. But management things the opposite and they rule, it's their project.
Again, as I've been doing for over the past weeks, I've told management that the first simulation, and the entire plan, will be compromised if no action is taken this week.

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