Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 3 - Target specification

The target specification arrived today.
It's an hierarchical structure that will result in a flat file where each line will represent a specific piace of information, identified by a code.
We've started to work on it, but since the specification is more like a meta-model, we had to make some adjustments to comply with such a dynamic structure.
All problems have been solved, they were actually simple decisions that the source team helped to make.
The DB2 model has been created and our scripts turned it into mapping sheets, that will be used in the functional mapping performed by the source and the target teams.

A piece of the source data has become available. It has been extracted from the OS/390 in EBCDIC and in text formats in order to allow some AS/400 loading tests.
The data looks correct, but each row has been loaded as a single record, the copybook rules have not been applied and therefor, it will have to be loaded again. Nevertheless, the fact that the information looks correct is a good enough as the result of the first try.

The first workstation also arrived today, allowing us to install and configure some of the software required for the data migration, and allowing us to access to the development AS/400 machine.

It will not depend on us, but if next week things work out the way we've planed, we'll be able to recover the one day delay.


  1. piece of information... there is a spelling mistake there.

    Just started to read your diary from day1. Its good till now thanks. :)

  2. The spelling is now corrected. Thank you.
    I'm glad you're enjoying the diary, hope it's also helpful.
