Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 250 - Team Rearrangements

There is a team management small problem.
The teams seem to be rearranged from time to time and this instability is not good for the sake of the project.
For instance, one person that was responsible for the client data migration, has been reassigned several times to other areas, like account and claims, and is now in the testing team. Two other people started to be responsible for the client data migration, one for each system, but it seems that the new people depend on the initial person.
There is another person that is responsible for the data extraction for one of the source systems but it seems now that it is also part of the mapping team.
This happens less on other areas, but it seems that there is an unofficially set of people that is assigned to all areas.

There is a clear group help spirit, which is great, because this eliminates political problems as "this is my migration area, so keep out".

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